Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lookin' a lil Retro

I decided to blow out and straighten my hair for my sister's graduation. Let me tell was DEFINITELY not easy lol. I got a lot of flashbacks to the 90s when I was a young girl in the kitchen while my mom pressed my hair. Yes, that old pressing comb that heats up on the stove. It took a very long time from blow drying, to pressing, to flat ironing, and I will probably go to a professional if I want to straighten it again (far, far, far in the future). I think the thickness of my hair made it a bit hard to straighten out. It was really too much heat that was being used and I'm not a fan of that.
This is how it turned out...

It's really soft but I can't help but think that it may be a little dry as well.
It turned out ok and had a cool retro look to it, but I can't wait to wash my hair and get it back to normal.
Still on the journey to get long and healthy hair.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Did It!

I'm happy to announce that I am 100% natural =).
I did my big chop on Saturday (5/14/11) and I have to say, it takes some getting use to.
I love it though, and most of the people around me love it as well.
I'm truly blessed to have the supporters that I needed throughout this whole transition.
And I'm sure you're dying to see a pic...
So here it is...=)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hey there,

I still exist...don't worry =).
I've been M.I.A. for a couple of reasons...
1. I'm in the process of finishing my first year of college (8 days left!).
2. My hair is still in tree braids until later on this month. When I take them down, I'm going to cut the relaxed ends of my hair and rock the natural look (so excited!)
My future plans for this blog include pictures of the before and after effect of the "Big Chop." I'm really interested in seeing how much growth I've received in a year of transitioning. Also, I may even vlog about it. I have a YouTube channel, but I may make a new one dedicated to my natural hair journey.
We'll see what happens...

I'll be back later this month =)