Had to go back to some 90s terminology there, lol, but it seriously is! I went through my subscriptions on YouTube the other day and found that
luvbeinnatural posted her updated wash regimen and I thought I'd give it a try. Let me tell you all this: it cut my shower time on wash days...IN HALF.
The regimen starts with her finger detangling her hair in small sections with olive oil and twisting it up. Then she goes ahead to shampoo and condition her hair while they are in twists, I believe. After this she deep conditions while her hair is in twists, then washes out the deep conditioner and conditions. Sounds a little confusing, I know.
I kind of changed it up a bit. I used my own pre-poo recipe for the finger combing part. (I just combine my Giovanni Direct Leave-In with EVOO and Jojoba oil). After I finger detangled and twisted the sections, I went on to co-wash my hair. Instead of just applying the conditioner to all the twists and rinsing, I decided to apply the conditioner to each section by taking down the twist, adding the conditioner, detangling it with my Tangle Teezer, and twisting it back up again. It took no time at all!! Once all the twists had conditioner applied to it, I rinsed it all out while the twists were still in. When I got out of the shower, I applied the Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair cream to deep condition. I left it on all night and braided up my hair for a braid-out tomorrow.
This is definitely a wash regimen that I'm going to stick to. I've been trying to find an efficient way to wash my hair without having to stand in the shower for a long time, and I finally found it!!
Thank God for YouTube, lol.
I'll definitely post pics of my braid out tomorrow!